12 September 2015

Today's Game - Merc (Magnus the Traitor)

Today I played a 15-point army with Magnus the Traitor as my warcaster. I played one game with this army, switched with my opponent (he was using Magnus, sorry can’t remember which one, with 2 Khadoran warjacks) and then played my 3rd game with my original army.

Needless to say I lost the first two games. But during my 3rd game, my opponent got greedy and sent his warcaster to melee against my halfway-damaged Talon warjack. He did not managed to take down Talon during my opponent’s turn. And then it was my turn.

Talon kept getting such haxx rolls and in the end, actually took down my opponent’s Warcaster. 11 on 2 dice. I needed a 10 to kill him in that round.

My army as of the end of the game. Still standing strong!

So that was the story of my first-ever win in Warmachine. I will savour it as I know I probably won’t get another victory in a long, looooong time. Unless my opponent messes up big time :D

11 September 2015


Hello! I'm a very new miniatures tabletop wargamer based in the capital of Malaysia. As of writing this post, I am starting to play Warmachine and this is my very first exposure to wargaming.

At this point, I have played a handful of 15-point games, but I still know very little about the game in its entirety.

In this blog, I will (hopefully not be lazy to) post updates of my experience with Warmachine, and any other tabletop miniatures game I happen to fall into :)